Monday, November 2, 2009

Old Ladies!

Ok Becka this is for you! And that is a pillow. My bum's not quite that big yet. So for those of you that don't know. The salon I work at is on Main Street in Springville. Every Halloween there is this big trick or treat thing down Main Street. So for the past 5 years all the stylists nail techs and massage therapists dress up the same. We started out as pirates. Then witches, 50's and zombies. So this year we did old ladies. What do ya think?
P.S. Wish you could have seen my dance moves..... I could've done "Baby got back!" LOL!!!


  1. cool! all I have to do is ask and I get what I want? sweet! Lets see some pictures of Brienna's room. You guys look great by the way, very believable- hee hee

  2. ya I want to see pics of Brienna's room. Is it done?
